Day 21: Something You Want

30 day drawing challenge 19 illustration
Almost every boy's dreams is to become an astronaut and explore outer space. There is a poetic beauty in the stars that makes us wonder about the world up there. With the knowledge of science, we get to learn about the planets, satellites, comets, asteriods, galaxies, and other heavenly bodies. We are but a speck of dust in the entire cosmos that we call universe. What I like about Astronomy is the ability to see things from the distance and discover the different shapes and colors of these celestial objects that our limited eyes can't give us. It is one of the oldest science that exists and it will never fail to amaze us with its discoveries. Humans have made amazing feats when it comes to studying space, from inventing the first telescope to creating space shuttles and sending men to the moon. Anyways, I have always been fascinated with Astronomy. When I was in grade school, science is my
favorite subject and the highlight of my grade school days always has to do with science related activities like camping and star gazing.

There was a time that Starlab, an inflatable planetarium, was introduced in our school. We went inside an igloo like dome which projected spectacular images of constellations and galaxies. The first (and my favorite) constellation that i learned is Orion which has 'Tres Marias' as his belt. He is a warrior, a guardian of the heavens. StarLab was an awesome experience that I have never felt before. I loved learning about space since then. We also had a star-gazing camp where we viewed planets through telescopes. I remember lining up just to see the moon and its craters. We also saw planets Venus and Saturn.

It's always a habit for me to look up the stars whenever I'm outside at night and remember these amazing memories during my childhood that always made me wonder. My dream is to have an observatory deck of my own so I can see the planets with my own eyes and watch amazing sky shows like eclipses and meteor showers. I want to learn more about the heavens. The stars always remind me of the little curious kid within me that wanders and wonders.


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