Day 13: Comics

30 day drawing challenge 11 illustration
This one's a tough challenge. I'm poor in story telling and it has always been a struggle for me. In video editing, i have a lot of time to tell stories but in comics, i have to limit my story in a couple of boxes. For three days now, i searched for a funny short story but i find it hard to choose. I finally saw a tweet saying "What am I doing with my life?". It was random and funny. I always say this to myself whenever im unproductive or just slouching around in the house (which i have been doing for days now).hehe Here in Zamboanga, we experience power interruptions everyday which kinda makes us also unempowered to work.haha. My work relies with computers mostly and without power, i cant work. But sometimes when power is up, i also procrastinate and do unnecessary things like 9gaging, facebooking, tweeting, watching movies or youtube clips, and playing games excessively. I always find myself late at night constantly hooked up with the internet and realize i haven't really finished my work yet. But thanks for this drawing challenge, I get to be productive somehow. My creative juices had ran out these days but i'm slowly gaining them back. I have 27 drawings to go and a lot of work to do. Stop Procrastinating! Get that lazy ass off the couch and do something productive!


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