Day 11: Turning Point in your Life

30 day drawing challenge 11 illustration
This is about the recent happening in my life that truly changed not only my life but also other's. For more than two years, i have dedicated my life for something that i am truly passionate about. Becoming a multimedia artist is what i really want to do after graduating. I was the one of those who created this small group known as Seed Interactive Multimedia Production which started as a small multimedia group making websites, promotional designs and video and photography coverage for events. Then we penetrated the wedding industry and soon we turned into a full-time Photo and Video group for weddings. We met coordinators who believed in our capacity despite of our inexperience and lack of
high-tech gadgets. We invested in our passion, creativity and hard-work. It was tough building up the business. We have to sacrifice a lot just to create our mark in the community. We accepted small jobs and sponsorships just to extend our market and network. Soon, we gained a lot of bookings and jobs and many people already know our group. However, this year i decided to break up with the group so i can use my talents fully and be more productive and time-efficient. I have sacrificed a lot in the group and i think i have done enough and it was time for me to fulfill other goals that i have in life. I left last May and i heard that the group were still doing fine. After a month, i was devastated when i heard the group is already out of business. Which means many of our staff will lose their jobs. I knew it was coming but i guess that's the way it has to be. A good business will last if it was managed well and if it has a good system.


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