Introducing Valori Umani

I have been super busy during the holidays so i wasn't very active in updating my doodle blog. Now, i had the time to dig into my archives and finally here's the debut my new series which i want to call "Valori Umani". This term simply means Human Values in Italian, hehe.( I just want to make it sound good.) Anyways, i doodled these last April 2008 in my planner/doodle book and i spiced it up a bit putting some colors.

These drawings means so much to me. It is a discovery of my self and looking back into the universal human values that we learn during our childhood days which became the guiding principles of our lives. I really like this definition by that a Value is a belief, a mission, or a philosophy that is meaningful. These things are intangible like what St. Exupery said in The Little Prince, "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."

There are so many values in life and they differ from one person to another. Some may value pride, some would rather choose humility. Some prefer to be more of what they are, some are simply contented. For me, there are so much things to value in life, others are very limited to what they think are valuable to them. I hope this series will translate what values mean for me in a form of a visual art. Valori Umani hopes that you may also ponder on the things that makes your life meaningful. What do you values in life? And more importantly, why are some of these values more important than the others?


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