The next one is "Artificial Intelligence." I doodle it in my homework about robots. If you can see it closely, you can read some terms related to artificial intelligence and robots. Like the first one, i also created a vector art out of it.
Next is "PolSci" (Political Science). This is one fun doodle. I created this while listening to the teacher. Whenever I hear some interesting words like "Pambansang Awit (National Anthem)", i immediately draw the first thing that pops out of my mind. There is also a vector version of it here.
Actually, i have one more doodle in the set but i posted it a long time ago. It is a doodle that i created during my Computer Science class. It is more of a sarcastic doodle which says how i love programming. I also created a poem using some programming terms. Here's the link.
So thats it! I hope you liked my doodles! :D