Me and my cousin, Wella, were commissioned to create a mural which will be painted on the spot during the celebration at Jardin Maria Clara. I created the initial concept digitally using Illustrator. It featured a forest scenery with lush plants and animals and at the center is a lettering of a quote in Chavacano language. It says "Entre cada dos Arboles tiene puerta para un Mundo Nuevo" which means "Between two trees is a door to a new world". I enhanced the concept art in Photoshop and came up with this:

The organizers eventually changed the quote and simply wanted it "Gracias Guardia Forestal" or "Thank You, Forest Guards". We didn't finish it on the day since the program is just half a day. We continued it home and took us about two weeks to finish since we only do it after work hours. The mural came out very nice and the colors came out nicely.

Special thanks to our moms and our handy man, Badong, for the help!

Like the illustration in my Deviant Art account here.